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We as Women Must Make Ourselves a Priority

We as women and moms have to remember the Women part. Don’t get me wrong ~ I love my kids more than anything. However, while I was raising my children I forgot to be my own person too.  As my kids got older I started to realize I had put my life on hold.  There were times I knew something was missing in my life, but never made it a priority to find out Making ourselves a prioritywhat. I am here to tell you, we as women must take time for ourselves. Our happiness is just as important as everyone else. Our children’s happiness depends on it too. I know you want to be the perfect mother, wife, and every other role we as mothers take on. The true is there is no such thing as perfect. 

Do we want to give and give until we are just going through the motions? Do we want our children’s role model to be someone who doesn’t make time for themselves? My kids are now 21, 20, 18, and 14. They are starting to make their lives in the world, and I want them to know they can love others with everything they have in their hearts but I also want them to also know ~ what they want matters! 

What Could we Accomplish As Women If We Help Each Other

If your kids are young, I want to help you from making the same mistakes I and many other mothers make. If you have forgotten that person you used to be, like me, let’s go in

search of them!  Women can be hard on each other ~ instead let’s work together and make our lives easier.   I hope you  will come spend time with us. I’d love to hear your stories and interests.  Please use the contact me button at the top of the page. We as women are pretty amazing. Think about all you do in a day ~ a week! Now think about what we could do, if we made ourselves a priority and we ourselves were fulfilled. I look forward to hearing from you and finding answers together. 

Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart~ ~~                                                                                                                                                                 ~~and try to love the questions themselves

~Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart

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