The Solitude Of Winter
We are having the first little snow of the winter here in Pa. I hate the winter (I know~ poor attitude) Yes, the snow is pretty and I do enjoy watching it fall. However, how many minutes of the year does this actually happen? Unfortunately the cold is not my thing. My husband can attest to the fact that I am freezing 97.9% of the time. I dream of living in the warm sunshine ☀️.
Be that as it may, there is something I like about January. You have just put all of your holiday decorations away and your house feels like a blank slate, a new beginning. This is the perfect time of year to look within and ask yourself “what would truly make you happy?” Maybe if your lucky you will even get a little snow to fall while you take a moment to really think about this question. And you know what ~ if you don’t have an answer right now that’s okay too. We have a whole year to find our answers.